Training for users

The course for users of the standard EBICS client BL Banking

Our training courses are available for first-time and advanced users.

Besides gaining basic knowledge about EBICS, beginners acquire all skills for the professional handling of electronic payment transactions.

Advanced users learn the program and settings in detail in order to be able to implement their own requirements for the workflows in an optimal way.

All seminars take place in small groups and are held by our experienced EBICS experts from the BL Banking team.

Practical knowledge for professional electronic payments

The program for first-time users

  • EBICS basics
  • First steps: program interface, users, bank connections
  • Payments I: recording payments, send and retrieve files
  • Protocols: account statements, advices, PTK/HAC
  • Signature classes and use of the EDS
  • Help options: manual, log data, remote support

Content for advances users

  • Payments II: types and formats, import/export, periodic payments
  • Post-processing of account statements and advices
  • Mandate administration
  • Foreign payments and AWV notifications
  • Installation scenarios: single and multi-user installations
  • Using the smartphone apps in combination with BL Banking

Individual priorities

For pinpoint personnel development, it is possible to adapt the learning content in advance to your own requirements.

Just talk to us and put together your individual training package in cooperation with our trainers.

With ease to the target

A good seminar depends on an optimal learning atmosphere. We make sure that ideal conditions are arranged so you can fully focus on the training.

  • Teaching by our experienced training experts
  • Learning in small groups in relaxed atmosphere
  • Adaptation of learning content and pace to the group and priorities
  • Time for individual questions and problems
  • Including snack/meal at lunch time

Dates and registration

The following dates are available at the prices given below:

Date Time Price per person
Wednesday, September 11 2024 10am - 4pm 310 EUR
Wednesday, Dezember 11 2024 10am - 4pm 310 EUR

For booking seminars at our Hilden location, please use the registration form.

For training sessions at your premises or in English, please contact our sales department.