11 July 2024

Redesign of the user interface for the EBICS servers from Business-Logics

The new web application for administration offers a clear structure and many helpful improvements for intuitive operation.

Above all, the combination of modern components with the sophisticated operating concept enables barrier-free access according to the latest state of the art.

Ergonomic and interactive

The software manufacturer based in Hilden, Germany has completely redeveloped the user interface for all EBICS servers. This includes the following products:

  • the BL Banking Server for connecting corporate customers via EBICS to the bank
  • the real-time server system BL Real-Time Server for Instant Payments and SEPA Request-To-Pay via EBA CLEARING
  • the BL Clearing Server for communication with the Deutsche Bundesbank, EBA CLEARING and all other clearing houses via EBICS

The great advantage of the new development was that there was no need to be considerate of "hoary relics".

Besides the structure, all other components, such as language selection or switching to processing mode, could also be redesigned freely and user-friendly.

In the main views, quick direct filters are now available, which start the search in the background as you type.


With the redesign of the interface, it was also possible to take into account the guidelines of the BITV and the underlying accessibility guidelines for web content, WCAG in version 2.0, for the barrier-free access of the application.

The BITV implements the EU Directive 2016/2102, which defines the following four principles for a user interface:

The information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
The user interface components and navigation must be operable.
The information and the operation of the user interface must be understandable.
The content must be robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

Future versions of the BITV and the accessibility guidelines are also continuously incorporated into the products as part of software maintenance.

Proven server functions

When updating to the modern user interface, the software settings are not changed. Under the hood, everything remains the same. All processings and server processes continue to work reliably.


The EBICS servers from Business-Logics are now available with the new user interface. As usual, the update is free of charge for all maintenance customers.